Testimonials are one of the oldest and most effective marketing tools. They give a personal and authentic voice to your brand, product, or service, and they build trust and credibility with your potential customers. But not all testimonials are created equal. In this blog post, we will explore the power and pitfalls of testimonials, and how to use them wisely in your campaigns.
What Makes a Good Testimonial?
A good testimonial is not just a positive comment or a flattering review. It is a story that showcases how your product or service solved a problem, fulfilled a need, or improved a situation for a real customer. It is specific, relevant, and relatable. It answers the questions: Who are you? What did you buy? Why did you buy it? How did it help you? What results did you get?
A good testimonial also matches your target audience. It reflects their demographics, their lifestyle, their values, dreams, and pain points. It speaks their language, uses their tone, and addresses their concerns. It makes them feel understood, validated, and inspired. It shows them that someone like them has benefited from your offer, and that they can too.
How to Avoid Bad Testimonials?
A bad testimonial is vague, generic, or exaggerated. It does not provide any details, evidence, or outcomes. It sounds fake, scripted, or paid for. It may even raise doubts, objections, or suspicions in your prospects’ minds. It does not connect with them emotionally, rationally, or socially. It makes them feel indifferent, skeptical, or annoyed. It does not persuade them to take action, and may even drive them away.
A bad testimonial also clashes with your target audience. It does not match their profile, preferences, or values. It uses unfamiliar terms, inappropriate expressions, or conflicting messages. It makes them feel confused, alienated, or offended. It shows them that someone unlike them has endorsed your offer, and that they may not.
How to Get and Use Testimonials Effectively?
One of the easiest ways to get more testimonials is to use Google My Business Reviews. This is a feature that allows you to send a direct link to your customers, where they can leave a review for your business on Google. This way, you can save time and hassle for both you and your customers, and also boost your SEO ranking and visibility. To learn how to create and send a direct link to your Google review page, check out this post.
Another great way to get more testimonials is to use LinkedIn. This is a platform that lets you request recommendations from people within your network, such as your colleagues, clients, or partners. These recommendations will appear on your LinkedIn profile, where they can showcase your skills, expertise, and credibility.
Of course, you can also get more testimonials by simply asking your customers for feedback via email. Just make sure you include a link to a feedback form on your website, where they can easily and quickly share their opinions and experiences. You can also offer them some incentives, such as a discount, a freebie, or a referral bonus, to encourage them to leave a testimonial.
The more testimonials you get, the more you can increase your visibility and reputation online. You can use these testimonials in various ways, such as displaying them on your website, landing page, or sales page, featuring them in your email, social media, or video marketing, or including them in your case studies, white papers, or webinars. Just remember to always get permission from your customers before using their testimonials, and to test and optimize them for performance.
The key takeaway is:
Testimonials are powerful, but they need to be authentic, relevant, and compelling. You need to respect and appreciate your customers who give you testimonials, and you need to reciprocate by giving them value and satisfaction. You also need to be open and honest in your communication, as this will make your testimonials more trustworthy and persuasive. And finally, you need to be confident and proactive in putting yourself out there, as this will make you more visible and attractive to your potential customers.
If you need any help with getting more testimonials or improving your website with the right testimonials, please feel free to contact our team at Digital Creative Lab. We would love to help you grow your business with the power of testimonials.